Online Blackjack Guide

18 March   Blackjack Guide   Table Games

Everything You Need to Know about Blackjack: Rules, Variants and Online Casinos

What is Blackjack?

Blackjack (or twenty-one) is perhaps the most interesting casino game ever. It’s been played for hundreds of years, and its popularity never fades away. The reason is simple: blackjack is a game of strategic choices and exciting uncertainties. You score points (or to be precise, you win) by making a hand of cards closer to 21 than the dealer’s hand, without going over (busting). Easy, isn’t it? Let’s then dive deeper into what makes blackjack so universally loved.

Card Values:

In any blackjack game, cards have the following values:

  • Face Cards (King, Queen, Jack): 10 points.
  • Number Cards (2-10): The Pip value.
  • Ace: 11 points, but 1 point can also be opted for when it suits the player.

Grasping these values and following the basic strategy is usually enough for you to stay at the blackjack table.

How Do You Play?

Chance and strategy coexist in blackjack in the most enthralling way. This is why it’s a game for beginners and high rollers alike.

The Basic Game:

  • Building Your Hand: You're dealt two cards face up, forming the basis for your pursuit of 21. Face cards (king, queen, jack) are worth 10 points, numbered cards hold their pip value, and the versatile ace can be played as either 1 or 11 points.
  • Decisions, Decisions: Based on your hand value and the dealer's face-up card, you'll make strategic choices:
    • Hit: Request another card to get closer to 21.
    • Stand: Keep your current hand total.
    • Double Down: Double your initial wager in exchange for one additional card.
    • Split: If you're dealt a pair, you can divide them into two separate hands, each requiring an additional wager.

What Are the Variations?

The aim is for 21, but how it gets there can vary. Here’s a quick rundown of the most common “flavours”:

  • Classic Blackjack: One deck (52 cards), all the rules listed above – the original and most basic game.
  • European Blackjack: Usually played with multiple decks (at least two or more), the dealer stands on soft 17 (a hand that contains an ace and can be counted as 11). This one simple rule change has many consequences, increasing the players’ risk vs. reward and therefore needs to be played differently.
  • Atlantic City Blackjack: Introduces “surrender”. After the dealer checks his or her face-up card, you give up half your bet and lose less when the situation looks bad. This option can be very comforting to beginners.
  • Spanish 21: All the 10-value cards (10s, Jacks, Queens, and Kings) are removed from the deck. While this seems to benefit the player (less chance of busting), it also makes getting a natural (two cards totalling 21) harder. Spanish 21 usually introduces extra side bets to make up for the modification.
  • Double Exposure Blackjack: This variation reveals both dealers' cards, adjusting the house edge to compensate. It offers a unique twist on the hidden information aspect of classic blackjack.

Basic Strategy

Though blackjack appears to be a game of pure chance, there exists a strategy which can be learned and applied by consulting a basic blackjack strategy chart. This chart will guide you on the appropriate action to take depending on your hand total and the upcard of the dealer. The strategy greatly reduces the house edge.
Here are some basic rules:

  • The Offensive Strategy: When you have a low total (less than 11) or a "stiff" hand (12 - 16), the best option available is a strategic "hit", allowing you to draw another card and get closer to 21.
  • Stand: It is sometimes better to just stand. If you have enough cards to stand (usually 17 or more), then you can "stand" to avoid going over 21 and losing the round.
  • Double Down: If you have a strong starting hand (usually 9, 10, or 11) and the dealer’s one visible card is weak (4, 5 or 6), then you can double your initial bet to receive just one more card and potentially win big.
  • Split: If you are dealt a pair you can “split” them into two hands, each with half the original bet. This is usually a good move with high pairs, like two eights, because it gives you the chance to win twice.

Blackjack Hands and Signals

Blackjack may be a game of chance, but a skilled player can leverage silent communication to their advantage. Hand signals allow you to tell the dealer your next move without uttering a word.

  • Hit Me!: A simple tap on the table or a wave towards the dealer signifies you want another card.
  • Enough is Enough: A flat wave across the betting area tells the dealer you're "standing" and staying put.
  • Double Down the Excitement: With a confident hand (like 9, 10, or 11) and a weak dealer's face-up card (4, 5, or 6), place one finger on top of your original bet to indicate you're doubling down for just one more card.
  • Splitting Your Destiny: Dealt a pair? Hold your cards apart with two fingers to indicate your desire to split and potentially double your winning chances.

Best Blackjack Tips and Tricks

Unlike other casino games, winning at blackjack is more than just luck – your decisions will also impact the game. So, here’s a list of some tricks and tips that can help you stay at the table.

  • Learn Basic Strategy: Use the basic strategy chart to minimise the house advantage.
  • Play Free Online Blackjack: Master your skill by practising online with small bets.
  • Bankroll Management: Set an allowable loss and stick to it.
  • Bet Adjustment: Bet according to your bankroll and the value of your hand.

Betting Systems:

There are multiple Blackjack betting systems, be aware that these systems do not eliminate the house advantage:

  • Martingale System:
    This is an aggressive strategy based on the premise that you will eventually win a game after suffering a series of losses. After each loss, you double your bet to ensure you have sufficient funds to cover all losses and make a profit when you win. The problem is, if you experience a really long run of losses, the size of your bets can become quite large.
  • 1-3-2-6 System:
    This progressive system is less volatile than Martingale. You increase your bet by one unit for wins, three units for the first two losses, and then two units for subsequent losses. It aims for smaller wins more frequently but still carries risk, especially during losing streaks.

Busting Myths

Blackjack is often surrounded by myths:

  • Myth: Card Counting is a Crime
    This isn't true! While casinos might frown upon card counting and even take countermeasures against suspected counters, it's a legitimate strategy that uses basic math to gain a slight edge.
  • Myth: Hot Streaks Are Real
    Blackjack is a game of independent hands. Each round is a fresh start, unaffected by the outcome of previous hands. So, forget about "feeling lucky" or chasing losses based on a perceived "cold streak."
  • Myth: Tipping for Better Results
    While tipping is a great way to show appreciation for good service from dealers, it has no bearing on the cards you're dealt.

Online Blackjack Variations

Online blackjack comes in exciting variations that extend the game outside the realm of traditional casinos:

  • Live Dealer Blackjack:
    A dynamic and interactive game with a live dealer. A great way for beginners to get familiar with the game.
  • Multi-Hand Blackjack:
    You deal with multiple hands at the same time. Action is doubled and so is the potential profit. However, you also need to fund multiple hands which means your bankroll may not last long.
  • Side Bets:
    Most online blackjack games include side bets such as insurance or perfect pairs. These bets have a high house edge so be wary before you lay your side bets. Make sure you know the odds and the payouts.

The General Rules and Etiquette

Playing blackjack is not only about the cards but also about the overall flow of the game and your fellow players’ comfort. So, learn to be a blackjack etiquette expert by following these tips:

  • Respect the Crew
    Meaning, the dealers and the players. A simple hello, no quarrelling and a humble congratulation after a winning round are the usual dos.
  • Dress for the Occasion
    No formal dress requirement here but keeping a generally clean and decent appearance is already a good gesture towards other casino goers and players.
  • Know the Ropes
    Before hitting the felt, familiarise yourself with the casino's specific rules on betting limits, hand signals, and table conduct. This avoids confusion and delays the game for everyone.
  • Anything Goes Online
    Whether you’re on the bus or at home in your PJs, anything goes when playing online.

Blackjack Top Tips Reel

Watch the video below and hone your Blackjack skills with valuable insights and strategies. Enjoy!

Your Guide to Learning Blackjack and Starting Your Play at Metropolitan Gaming Online

Blackjack is a game of skill, strategy, and exciting competition. To guide you towards becoming a successful and comfortable player, here’s what you need to do to learn how to play blackjack at Metropolitan Gaming Online:

1. Open Your Account:

First things first. You need to open your own personal Metropolitan Gaming Online account. It only takes a minute to set up. Then you can select your funding method – we accept debit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers. You’re ready to play!

2. Fund Your Account:

First, deposit funds into your Metropolitan Gaming Online account using a debit card or e-wallet. Once funded, visit the casino game library and explore the blackjack category. We offer various exciting blackjack variations, including Classic Blackjack, European Blackjack, and Blackjack Switch. Review the game rules to find your preferred type. Some players stick to one game type for consistency, so consider which variation suits your style best.

3. Learn the Basics:

First and foremost, you need to understand the basics of card values and the goal of the game. Blackjack is a competition against the dealer, and the aim is to get a hand closer to 21 than the dealer’s, without going bankrupt. Card values are generally shown at face value, Aces can represent 1 or 11 and all face cards represent 10.

4. Your Tactical Options:

  • Hit: If you need more cards to improve your chances of winning, ask for another card.
    When the dealer shows a 7, 8, 9, 10 or Ace (strong upcard), and you hold 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16, hit. Why? Because the dealer’s chances of busting with a strong upcard are low, so you need to get closer to 21 with your next card.
  • Stand: If you’re comfortable with your current hand, do not opt for any more cards.
    When the dealer shows a 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 (weak upcard), and you hold 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16, stand. Why? Because there’s a high probability that you’ll bust on your next card drawn while the dealer has a low probability of getting 21 and a higher probability of busting.
  • Double Down (on 11 against dealer’s 2-10): If you’re feeling confident, you can double your initial bet to receive one more card. This is a strong offensive move when you have a good chance of drawing a 10-value card and improving your hand significantly.
  • Split (Always on Aces and 8s): Dealt a pair? Divide them into separate hands, each requiring its own bet. Splitting Aces and 8s gives you two strong starting hands.
  • Insurance: If the dealer's face-up card is an Ace, you can purchase insurance as a safety net in case they have a blackjack.

5. Level Up with Basic Strategy Charts:

These charts are your secret weapon! By revealing the optimal move based on your hand and the dealer's face-up card, the basic strategy significantly reduces the house edge. Embrace it to become a more informed player.

6. Gambling Should be Played Safe:

Metropolitan Gaming Online ensures your protection and fair play. Each variation has its unique rules so it’s always advisable to read it before you play it. Last but not least, gambling is fun and should remain so.

Bonus Tip:
Metropolitan Gaming Online offers a great welcome bonus that you can redeem to prolong your gameplay and try out these blackjack variations.

Are you ready to play?

Blackjack is an exciting game that demands skill and a tinge of luck. Now that you know the basics of the game, visit Metropolitan Gaming Online, and try the games for yourself. You will experience seamless gameplay on our user-friendly platform. You can also find multiple exciting variations of blackjack.

So, scramble the cards, deal with them, and experience the fun of playing online blackjack. Register at Metropolitan Gaming Online and redeem your welcome bonus!


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